1. What is the mandate of Street Families Rehabilitation Trust Fund?

  • Co-ordinate rescue, rehabilitation, reintegration & re-socialization(4Rs) activities for street families;
  • Conduct public education on street families;
  • Mobilize resources;
  • Receive donations
  • Fund street families 4Rs programmes;
  • M&E of programmes;
  • Track expenditure& accountability of funds
  • Advise the government and other key agencies on matters relating to the rehabilitation of street families.

2. What are the main programmes of the Fund?

  • Co-ordinate rescue, rehabilitation, reintegration and resocialization activities
  • Capacity building of Care givers in Partner Institutions, volunteers and key stakeholders
  • Psycho-social support services
  • Talent identification and nurturing
  • Education and skills development
  • Public Education

3. How does the Trust Fund implement its programmes?

  • Street Families Rehabilitation Trust Fund works with partner institutions to meet its mandate.  These include the Charitable Children Institutions, Rehabilitation Centres, Community Based Organizations, Faith Based Organizations and NGOs that undertake rehabilitation of Street Families.
  • The Trust Fund provides financial and technical support to such partners, which is done on an annual basis.

4. Area of coverage

Street Families Rehabilitation Trust Fund operates in all the 47 Counties through institutions undertaking rehabilitation of street families.

5. Sources of funds

The Trust Fund sources its funds from the National Treasury. The Board of Trustees also undertakes resource mobilization which include financial and material resources.

6. Identification of partners

Street Families Rehabilitation Trust Fund undertakes call for proposals through the local daily newspapers. Upon receipt of proposals, they are subjected to evaluation and due diligence exercise.